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  • Meadow Vetchling (Lathyrus pratensis) large plug plants
  • meadowvetchlinglathyruspratensisplugplants

Meadow Vetchling (Lathyrus pratensis) large plug plants

Out of stock
£1.45 per plug
(Incl. 20% tax)
  • Buy 50 and above at £0.99 per plug
  • Buy 150 and above at £0.80 per plug
SKU: Meadow Vetchling plugs

Minimum Order Quantity of 10

Our Meadow Vetchling plug plants for sale are priced per individual plant. This product has a minimum quantity of 10 plug plants. For orders over 500 plug plants please contact us.

All our plants are native British wildflowers grown in Peat free compost in our sustainable nursery.

Common Name: Meadow Vetchling

Latin name: Lathyrus pratensis

Description: Meadow Vetchling plants can be identified by its yellow, pea-like flower. It is a short or tall scrambling perennial in flower from May to August and with black pods in the autumn.

Height: 30-120cm.

Flowering: May to August

Flower colour: Yellow

Management: Meadow Vetchling can tolerate a wide range of soil types, although it does best in moist or wet ground. It cannot grow in the shade, and its scrambling habit can result in it becoming locally dominant, but this can be controlled through cutting or grazing.

Dimension (L x W x H) 4 x 4 x 6
Weight 53 Gram

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