Cumbria Wildflowers: Not Just Growing Flowers, But Growing as a Company

Native plant specialist Cumbria Wildflowers has come a long way from its humble beginnings over a decade ago. More than just cultivating flowers, this Lake District-based firm is growing its capabilities, capacity, and impact on habitat restoration across the UK.

Founded in 2011 by lifelong nature enthusiasts, Cumbria Wildflowers started as a small supplier of native flora to help restore degraded ecosystems in Cumbria. But word of their high-quality plants and expertise soon spread. The team found themselves collaborating on an increasing number of habitat creation and river restoration projects regionally and nationally.

To meet growing demand while maintaining exceptional service, Cumbria Wildflowers expanded into a new nursery and production site, complete with state-of-the-art propagation facilities. They also brought on additional expert horticulturalists and habitat specialists.

These investments have allowed Cumbria Wildflowers to increase their impact. Their suite of services now includes biodiversity assessments, habitat management plans, long-term monitoring, and more. Their team works hands-on in the field, not just growing plants but overseeing their incorporation into reconstituted wetlands, meadows, hedgerows, and other ecosystems.

Cumbria Wildflowers attributes their success to relationships built on trust and results. Landowners, developers, and conservation organisations know they can rely on the team's ecological expertise and dedicated craftsmanship. By tailoring solutions to each project and situation, Cumbria Wildflowers has become a go-to resource for clients seeking to improve biodiversity and natural habitats.

While growing in scale, Cumbria Wildflowers remains committed to native flora and sustainable practices. They harvest responsibly from wild seed zones, supporting local farmers, and propagate locally sourced perennials, trees, and shrubs in peat-free media. As stewards of nature, Cumbria Wildflowers' business growth has never compromised their environmental ethos.

Moving forward, Cumbria Wildflowers plans to expand their positive impact on native habitats across an even wider geography. No matter how big they grow, their team of biologists, ecologists, and horticulturalists will continue applying their passion for British flora to reverse habitat loss and restore thriving eco-networks, one precious plant at a time. 

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